Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Movies and Video Games- Why do Both?

Question: Why do we play video games based off of movies, books, real life/fictional people, cartoons, comics, and animations?

Answer:  It is quite simple, we want to be them. Humans want to have a virtual simulation of role playing. In other words, we want to play and control our favorite fictional heroes and villains. It goes back to the days we played cowboys and indians. Through the experience of imagination, it has shifted to us toward envisioning  our favorite characters and imitating them. Now with technology of PCs and video game consoles, we have the ability to control them too.

It is the nostalgia and interest of what is going to happen that brings us the entertainment of video games.

A good example would be James Bond Golden Eye for the Nintendo 64. This was the first James Bond Game for the nintendo system and one of the best shooting games during the early stages of the N64. This game brought out the idea of controlling Bond (portrayed by Pierce Brosnan), following the movie Golden Eye. Now what makes Goldeneye on Nintendo interesting, is the use of varied weapons, scenes from the movie that James was never a part of (but you still played there, like the Bunker, Frigate, Missile Silo, and Surface), a lot of enemies, bonus achievements, two bonus levels, and a decent multiplayer option.

The multiplayer aspect was crucial since online was not a option during this time. Besides Playstation was in the works, and X-Box was being thought of.

This is only the beginning. Later on in the decades, we have the same basis but only more advanced and realistic. Plus online gaming came into the mix.

A good game is Madden 11 for the PS3/XBOX systems. A realistic version of NFL football.
(Who doesn't want to play Payton? Have imaginary brawls with his brother and the Giants? Or play against the Saints with a rematch of last years Super Bowl? Only done it your way. You make the calls)

Last topic too is the future of comics of how they collided with video games as well. Take this new game going out this November 2010, DC UNIVERSE ONLINE

You can customize your own character to fight alongside Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, etc. You are the super hero now.

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