Monday, October 25, 2010

My Grid Art - Trifecta of the Cherokee

The left side of the triangle grid

The Mask Grid symbolizes my love for the seven Cherokee clans.

---(Left, Top Row)---

Blue (A NI SA HO NI) -This clan uses medicine made from blue colored paint to keep children well. This clan is a caretaker for the children. Also known as Panther clan.

---(Center, Top Row)---

Wild Potato (A NI GA TO GE WI) - historically known members of this clan were known as the "keepers of the land" and gatherers of the wild potato within the swamps, along streams.

---(Right, Top Row)---

Long Hair (A NI GI LO HI) - Elaborate hairdos, walking proud with their art in hair but also with the spirtual nature of who they are. Long Hair Clan members are regarded as peace keepers and Peace chiefs would often be from this clan. Prisioners of war, orphans from other tribes, slaves, and common folk of no tribe were often adopted to this clan. This inquired the interpretation of "strangers"

---(Center, 2nd Row)---

Bird (A NI TSI S KWA) - were historically known as messengers (sky level) between Earth and Heaven (People and the Creator). The people of this clan took care of the birds and other animals. The Bird clan by my family is considered the clan I am brought up from. Primarily because my grandfather is Cherokee and his last name is Owl. His side of the family as well as my own are also really symbolic towards animals. 

---(Left, Bottom Row)---

Deer (A NI KA WI) - historically known as fast runners and hunters. Even though they hunted game for food and subsistence, the Deer clan respected and cared for the animals, while they lived among them. This clan is also known as messengers (earth level) delivering information from village to village or person to person.

---(Center, Bottom Row)---

Paint (A NI WO DI) - historically known as prominent healers (medicine people). Medicine is often painted on patients after harvesting, mixing, and performing acts of healng ceremonies. This clan made red paint and prepared teas of vapor therapy specific to each ailment.

---(Right, Bottom Row)---

Wolf (A NI WA YAH) - are known as the largest and most prominent clan throughout time. During the time of the Peace Chief and War Chief government setting, the War Chief would come from this clan. Wolves are known to be the protectors of Cherokee.

The bottom of the triangle grid

The Woven Grid symbolizes how I imagine my indian tribe used woven material in form of texture (various clothing, baskets, and jewelry).

The right side of the triangle grid

The Dream Catcher Grid symbolizes my dreams and nightmares. I implemented demon drawings and a F to show the concept with fear of failure and various evils.


  1. I liked how you chose to make your grid project have to do with your heritage! I found that to be very interesting. My favorite part was the dream catcher part with the peices of your nightmares. Really creative, good job!

  2. Oh my god I love the bottom. Seriously seriously beautiful. You have a really interesting concept going on here. I can't get over the weaving though; I love it! I also can't get over the dream catcher - it's absolutely beautiful, and really clever the way it intersects the metal grid. Also loved that you stuck your nightmares in their...creepy and awesome.

  3. My favorite part was the dream catcher. Very cool concept and i like the earthy look to the overall piece

  4. Something makes me want explore this object more. I don't know what it is that motivates my curiosity and -to me- this is what affective art accomplishes.

    What I find the most interesting it the way you "fused" the dream catcher to the grid. At first, I thought you had just attached a store bought dream catcher, which I thought was blah. I'm glad I was able to take a closer look because what you actually did is fantastic.

    Flawless execution and solid research = great object.

  5. I really enjoyed your project and how you created 3 sides to create it. I especially liked how u were able to create your own dream catcher, i thought it was just one that you bought until i realized that it was actually created on the grid

  6. When you showed your project, the first thing I noticed was the dream catcher, because that was one idea that ran through my head when deciding what I was going to make. Your project was personal which gave it a unique touch, and your description shows that you put a lot of thought into it and are very knowledgeable/passionate about what you were making.
    Nice job!

  7. Very nice theme to your grid. You really made it work as whole with each item/object you added to the grid. The different elements gave a great texture to it, as well. I loved the dream catcher!

  8. This was the most complete, well rounded project of all. It had a true meaning behind it and you delivered very well, great representation of your heritage.
